# Table of contents widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:right type:toc # Whether to show the index of each heading index:false # Whether to collapse sub-headings when they are out-of-view collapsed:true # Maximum level of headings to show (1-6) depth:3
# Profile widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:left type:profile # Author name author:Rong晔 # Author title author_title:坚持摸鱼的IC攻城狮 # Author's current location location:Shenzhen,China # URL or path to the avatar image avatar:/img/avatar.jpg # Whether show the rounded avatar image avatar_rounded:false # Email address for the Gravatar gravatar: # URL or path for the follow button follow_link:https://space.bilibili.com/3280670 # Links to be shown on the bottom of the profile widget social_links: Github: icon:fabfa-github url:https://github.com/RongyeL # Facebook: # icon: fab fa-facebook # url: https://facebook.com # Twitter: # icon: fab fa-twitter # url: https://twitter.com # Dribbble: # icon: fab fa-dribbble # url: https://dribbble.com RSS: icon:fasfa-rss url:/atom.xml
# Recommendation links widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:links # Names and URLs of the sites links: Hexo:https://hexo.io Bulma:https://bulma.io # Categories widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:right type:categories # Tags widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:right type:tags # How to order tags. For example 'name' to order by name in ascending order, and '-length' to order by number of posts in each tags in descending order order_by:name # Amount of tags to show. Will show all if not set. amount: # Whether to show tags count, i.e. number of posts in the tag. show_count:true # Recent posts widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:left type:recent_posts # Archives widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:right type:archives
# Google FeedBurner email subscription widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:subscribe_email # Hint text under the email input description: # Feedburner ID feedburner_id:'' # Google AdSense unit configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:adsense # AdSense client ID client_id:'' # AdSense AD unit ID slot_id:'' # Follow.it email subscription widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:followit # Hint text under the email input description: # Subscription form action URL action_url:'' # Feed claiming verification code verification_code:'' # Plugin configurations # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Plugins/ plugins: # Enable page startup animations animejs:true # Show the "back to top" button back_to_top:true # Baidu Analytics plugin settings # https://tongji.baidu.com baidu_analytics: # Baidu Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: # Bing Webmaster Tools plugin settings # https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster/ bing_webmaster: # Bing Webmaster Tools tracking ID in the <meta> tag tracking_id: # BuSuanZi site/page view counter # https://busuanzi.ibruce.info busuanzi:true # CNZZ statistics # https://www.umeng.com/web cnzz: # CNZZ tracker id id: # CNZZ website id web_id: # Alerting users about the use of cookies # https://www.osano.com/cookieconsent/ cookie_consent: # The compliance type. Can be "info", "opt-in", or "opt-out" type:info # Theme of the popup. Can be "block", "edgeless", or "classic" theme:edgeless # Whether the popup should stay static regardless of the page scrolls static:false # Where on the screen the consent popup should display position:bottom-left # URL to your site's cookie policy policyLink:https://www.cookiesandyou.com/ # Enable the lightGallery and Justified Gallery plugins gallery:true # Google Analytics plugin settings # https://analytics.google.com google_analytics: # Google Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: # Hotjar user feedback plugin # https://www.hotjar.com/ hotjar: # Hotjar site id site_id: # Enable the KaTeX math typesetting support # https://katex.org/ katex:false # Enable the MathJax math typesetting support # https://www.mathjax.org/ mathjax:false # Enable the Outdated Browser plugin # http://outdatedbrowser.com/ outdated_browser:false # Show a progress bar at top of the page on page loading progressbar:true # Statcounter statistics # https://statcounter.com/ statcounter: # Statcounter project id project: # Statcounter project security code security: # Twitter conversion tracking plugin settings # https://business.twitter.com/en/help/campaign-measurement-and-analytics/conversion-tracking-for-websites.html twitter_conversion_tracking: # Twitter Pixel ID pixel_id: # CDN provider settings # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/Configuration/Theme/speed-up-your-site-with-custom-cdn/ providers: # Name or URL template of the JavaScript and/or stylesheet CDN provider cdn:jsdelivr # Name or URL template of the webfont CDN provider fontcdn:google # Name or URL of the fontawesome icon font CDN provider iconcdn:fontawesome
# Table of contents widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:left type:toc # Whether to show the index of each heading index:false # Whether to collapse sub-headings when they are out-of-view collapsed:true # Maximum level of headings to show (1-6) depth:3
# Profile widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:profile # Author name author:Rong晔 # Author title author_title:坚持摸鱼的IC攻城狮 # Author's current location location:Shenzhen,China # URL or path to the avatar image avatar:/img/avatar.jpg # Whether show the rounded avatar image avatar_rounded:false # Email address for the Gravatar gravatar: # URL or path for the follow button follow_link:https://space.bilibili.com/3280670 # Links to be shown on the bottom of the profile widget social_links: Github: icon:fabfa-github url:https://github.com/RongyeL # Facebook: # icon: fab fa-facebook # url: https://facebook.com # Twitter: # icon: fab fa-twitter # url: https://twitter.com # Dribbble: # icon: fab fa-dribbble # url: https://dribbble.com RSS: icon:fasfa-rss url:/atom.xml
# Recommendation links widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:links # Names and URLs of the sites links: Hexo:https://hexo.io Bulma:https://bulma.io # Categories widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:categories # Tags widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:tags # How to order tags. For example 'name' to order by name in ascending order, and '-length' to order by number of posts in each tags in descending order order_by:name # Amount of tags to show. Will show all if not set. amount: # Whether to show tags count, i.e. number of posts in the tag. show_count:true # Recent posts widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:left type:recent_posts # Archives widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:archives
# Google FeedBurner email subscription widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:subscribe_email # Hint text under the email input description: # Feedburner ID feedburner_id:'' # Google AdSense unit configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:adsense # AdSense client ID client_id:'' # AdSense AD unit ID slot_id:'' # Follow.it email subscription widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position:'' type:followit # Hint text under the email input description: # Subscription form action URL action_url:'' # Feed claiming verification code verification_code:'' # Plugin configurations # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Plugins/ plugins: # Enable page startup animations animejs:true # Show the "back to top" button back_to_top:true # Baidu Analytics plugin settings # https://tongji.baidu.com baidu_analytics: # Baidu Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: # Bing Webmaster Tools plugin settings # https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster/ bing_webmaster: # Bing Webmaster Tools tracking ID in the <meta> tag tracking_id: # BuSuanZi site/page view counter # https://busuanzi.ibruce.info busuanzi:true # CNZZ statistics # https://www.umeng.com/web cnzz: # CNZZ tracker id id: # CNZZ website id web_id: # Alerting users about the use of cookies # https://www.osano.com/cookieconsent/ cookie_consent: # The compliance type. Can be "info", "opt-in", or "opt-out" type:info # Theme of the popup. Can be "block", "edgeless", or "classic" theme:edgeless # Whether the popup should stay static regardless of the page scrolls static:false # Where on the screen the consent popup should display position:bottom-left # URL to your site's cookie policy policyLink:https://www.cookiesandyou.com/ # Enable the lightGallery and Justified Gallery plugins gallery:true # Google Analytics plugin settings # https://analytics.google.com google_analytics: # Google Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: # Hotjar user feedback plugin # https://www.hotjar.com/ hotjar: # Hotjar site id site_id: # Enable the KaTeX math typesetting support # https://katex.org/ katex:false # Enable the MathJax math typesetting support # https://www.mathjax.org/ mathjax:false # Enable the Outdated Browser plugin # http://outdatedbrowser.com/ outdated_browser:false # Show a progress bar at top of the page on page loading progressbar:true # Statcounter statistics # https://statcounter.com/ statcounter: # Statcounter project id project: # Statcounter project security code security: # Twitter conversion tracking plugin settings # https://business.twitter.com/en/help/campaign-measurement-and-analytics/conversion-tracking-for-websites.html twitter_conversion_tracking: # Twitter Pixel ID pixel_id: # CDN provider settings # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/Configuration/Theme/speed-up-your-site-with-custom-cdn/ providers: # Name or URL template of the JavaScript and/or stylesheet CDN provider cdn:jsdelivr # Name or URL template of the webfont CDN provider fontcdn:google # Name or URL of the fontawesome icon font CDN provider iconcdn:fontawesome